Naples Choirbook of L'Homme armé Masses
Altus | Bassus | Superius | [Tenor]
Beatrice of Naples
- Dedicatee/Owner
Charles le Téméraire
- Dedicatee/Owner
Brugge (Belgium)
Aucune information.
[I-Nn] Italy, Napoli - Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III
- VI E 40:
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64 folios, parchment. A cycle of 6 anonymous L'homme armé Masses.
Franco-flemish scribe (f. 64). f. 64, dedicatory poem to Beatrice d'Aragon («Ad serenissimam Ungarie reginam») with a line mentionning «Charolus hoc prínceps quondam gaudere solebat») apparently refering to Charles the Bold.
Copied by two scribes: one (A) copied the music for the discantus and the two contratenors on 1r-31v, 33v, and 45v-63v (this scribe also worked on BrusBR 5557); the second (B), copied the tenor in the entire ms., and other voices in 1r (only the 'Christe'), 1v-2r, 10r-11r, 22r-23r, 32r-33r, 35r (only the 'Domine Deus' in the second contra), and 44r-45r. Overall, FerrariNF considers B more musically accomplished and the likely compiler of the ms., copying the beginning of the central masses, and setting out the overall structure of the manuscript, which A then completed.
Musical edition in CMM 85.
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VI E 40
Music manuscript in choirbook
Superius | Altus | [Tenor] | Bassus
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Images from microfilm
Naples Choirbook of L'Homme armé Masses, in RicercarDataLab [] (accessed 13 March 2025).
Dernière modification : 10 mars 2025 17:21