Jean Richafort

fl. 1504-circa 1550†


Affichage de 7 événements/origines géographiques


Langres, 1504-1505
He is mentionned for the first time as a cleric and musician from Namur received as a singer at the cathedral of Langres on 27 November 1504 with an annual salary of 30 l.t. Two days later, he was given the right to wear the vestments of the church. On 17 January 1505, he and Guillaume Pietrequin* received 100 s. in consideration of their services. Such a gift probably shows that the canons of the church were willing to keep him at their service but his name does not show up anymore in the registers (Fiala 2008/PCR d'après F-AD52, 2G10, f. 55, 55v, 60v et 2G11, f.14).
Mechelen / Malines, 1507-1509
From December 1507 to May 1509, he served as zangmeester (master of the choirboys) at the collegiate church of Saint-Rumbold (Sint-Rombout / Saint-Rombaut) in Mechelen / Malines, before Noël Bauldeweyn* was appointed zangmeester on 21 August 1509 (Van Doorslaer 1930, p. 104-107).
French royal Court, 1512-1516
Since the next document mentionning his name is a supplication for a benefice in a parish church near the city of Nantes, registered on 10 November 1512 amongst a series of documents from the roman curia related to officers of the court of France and more specifically linked to the queen Anne of Brittany, it can be assumed that he was in her service at least from that date. A second roman document issued on 30 january 1516, allowing him to hold several incompatible benefices, including the parish church near Nantes he obviously had obtained since the 1512 supplication, indicates that he still was in service of the French court and was part of the retinue which accompanied Francis I to meet with pope Leo X in Bologna in December 1515 (Sherr 1988, p. 77-78). His motet Consolator captivorum, which refers to Louis XII, brings another confirmation of his royal service in the 1510s. His name is nevertheless lacking of all official lists of the French court chapels and no mention of him has yet been found for the 12 years following the 1516 roman document.
Aardenburg and Bruges, 1528-1550
In 1528, Jean Richafort was mentionned as a singer of Aardenburg invited to sing as « bascontre » in the church of Saint-Gilles (Sint-Gilliskerk) in Bruges. His brother Guillaume* was a clericus installatus of the neighboring major collegiate church of Saint-Donatian since 1507. In May 1543, he replaced Andriaen de Landsheere* as zangmeester of Saint-Gilles, soon leaving this position to Jan Bart* but taking it back from 1548 onwards, probably until 1550, when Jacob Trehout* is said to act as such (Andriessen 2002). No archival mention of Richafort's death has been located but it probably occured around that time.

Fiala David

Voir aussi :




  • Rôles

    Master of choirboys
    Member of a church (lower ranked officer)
    Member of a church (musician)

  • Genre




6 en base de données

Origines géographiques

Namur (Belgium)

Musical position

Member of a church (musician)
Langres (France)

Institution : Saint-Mammès de Langres, Langres (France)

Commentaires : AD52
- 2G10 [Cathédrale de Langres, Plumitif des délibérations capitulaires, 1503-1506]
f. 55
[Année 1504]
Mercurii 27a novembris
<Marge: Receptio musici ad stipendia 30 l.> Receptus fuit Johannes de <rature : caus [?] ; surcharge : Richafort, clericus> musici [sic] ad stipendia 30 l.t. per annum casu quominus anno [ ??] sunt completi. Et fiat mandatum [très mal lisible] hui. stipendiis.
f. 55v
<marge : Receptio ad habitum> Hodie <rature : Joh ; surcharge : datum fuit habitus ecclesie Johanni> de Richafort, clerico musico <rature : receptus fuit ; surcharge : de Namuro > die mercurii ultram te p.t.ta [?] ad stipendia xxx l.b. recepto qui prestitit juramenta assueta.
f. 60v
<Marge : Cantores> Habeant Jo. Richafort et G. <aj. : Petrequin> de Trey [?], cantores quilibet C s.t. favore <aj. pertinunt habere super hospitali> serviciorum suorum.

- 2G11 [Cathédrale de Langres, Registre de délibérations capitulaires, 1504-1508]
f. 14
<marge : Receptio musici> Eadem die [27.11.1504] receptus fuit Johannes Richafort de Namuro, musicus, stipendia XXX l.t. per annum. et datus fuit eidem <rature : habitus> postum [fin de ligne rognée] habitus prestitis juramentis assuetis et signavit quod non recedet ne dimittet habitum absque licentia.

Transcription D. Fiala, 2016

Musical position

Master of choirboys
Mechelen (Belgium)

Institution : Sint-Romboutskathedraal Mechelen, Mechelen (Belgium)

Commentaires : Van Doorslaer (à compléter)


Member of a church (lower ranked officer)
Les Touches (France)

Mécène : Anne of Brittany

Institution : Eglise paroissiale des Touches, Les Touches (France)

Commentaires : Il détient encore ce bénéfice en 1516, jusqu'à une date inconnnue.
Sherr 1988, p. 78.
RS 1397, fol. 219v: supplication dated 10 November, 1512. Franciscus, Bishop-elect of Nantes has resigned the parish church of Touches in the diocese of Nantes. Richafort, described as a cleric of Liege [and not as a singer in any royal chapel] asks for the benefice. The income was not expected to exceed 100 ducats.
Ftn 83. RV 1206, fols. 468r-46gv: bull dated 30 January, 1516. Richafort is given a dispensation allowing him to hold incompatible benefices. He is also described as rector of the parish church of Touches in the diocese of Nantes (see document above).

Musical position

Member of a church (musician)
Aardenburg (Netherlands)

Musical position

Member of a church (musician)
Brugge (Belgium)

Institution : Sint-Gilliskerk in Brugge, Brugge (Belgium)


circa 1550
Brugge (Belgium)

Commentaires : Un manuel de conversation franco-néerlandais connu pour ses passages sur la musique (Jean Berthout, Seer gemeyne tsamencoutingen... / Collocutions bienfamilieres) et qui contient de nombreuses allusions à des événements du début des années 1540 affirme que les compositeurs Lupus Hellinck et Richafort seraient tous deux morts dans ces années. Si c'est bien le cas pour Hellinck, mort en janvier 1541, l'emploi de Richafort à Bruges à partir de juillet 1542 est bien attesté. Une étude approfondie de cet ouvrage et de ses allusions musicales (Vanhulst 2005) souligne que la réalité des événements qu'il évoqué doit être tempérée par son objectif fondamentalement pédagogique et que la mort de Richafort est d'ailleurs rapportée par ouï-dire ("j'ai entendu" dit le personnage du dialogue). Une autre hypothèse avancée dans la littérature musicologique considère qu'il pourrait y avoir eu confusion avec la mort du frère du compositeur, Guillaume Richafort, en effet mort en mars 1543 (Thompson 1984a). De fait, il n'est pas impossible que la mort de Guillaume ait momentanément entraîné la circulation de la rumeur de la mort du compositeur.

Œuvres associées

2 en base de données

  • Salve regina [230] Composer
  • Salve regina [451] Composer


Ricaforte ; Ricartsvorde ; Ricciaforte ; Richaffort ; Riçhaffort ; Richaforth ; Richauffort ; Richefort ; Rycefort ; Rÿchafort

Relations familiales


[Bernstein, 1984]

Bernstein, L., 1984, La Couronne et fleur des chansons a troys: Music, New York.

[Fiala 2008]

Fiala, D., 2008, Contribution directe à la Prosopographie des chantres de la Renaissance / Direct contribution to the Prosopography of Renaissance Singers.

[Ros Fabregas]

Ros Fabregas, E., s. d., Books of Hispanic Polyphony | Home (consulté le 31 mai 2024).

[Sherr, 1988]

Sherr, R., 1988, The Membership of the Chapels of Louis XII and Anne de Bretagne in Years Preceding their Death, Journal of Musicology, 6, p. 60‑82

[Thompson, 1984]

Thompson, G. G., 1984, Music in the Court Records of Mary of Hungary, Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, 34, p. 132‑173 (consulté le 14 mars 2024).

[Van Doorslaer, 1930]

Van Doorslaer, G., 1930, Jean Richafort, maître de chapelle-compositeur, 1480 ?-1548, Annales de l’Académie royale de Belgique, p. 103‑161.

[Vanhulst, 2005]

Vanhulst, H., 2005, La musique dans les manuels de conversation bilingues de la Renaissance: Les « Seer gemeyne Tsamencoutingen / Collocutions bien familieres » de Jean Berthout, Revue belge de Musicologie / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap, 59, p. 93‑124 (consulté le 14 mars 2024).


Fiala David - Project manager ; Biography author

Collecteurs de données


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Fiala David, Jean Richafort, in RicercarDataLab [] (accessed 13 March 2025).

Dernière modification : 10 mars 2025 17:21