Pierre Du Wez (Cambrai)

fl. 1443-1483†


Affichage de 3 événements


• Cathedral of Cambrai, 1443-1483
(Planchart PCR-Small vicars) Pierre du Wez: was a small vicar from 14 May to 18 October 1443, 05 December 1443 to 03 January 1445, and 25 February 1446 to 08 July 1457 [F-AD59, 4G 7442, 8v; 4G 7443, 7r; 4G 7444, 5v; 4G 7445, 6v; 4G 7456, 7r]. His first absence was connected with a journey to the Council of Basel, no explanation for his second absence has turned up. Du Wez became a chaplain in 1449-50 (accounts of those years do not record the advents), appears in the lists from 1450-51 [LAN, 4G 6916, 23v] until 1482-83 [F-AD59, 4G 6962, 24r], in 1462 he was chaplain of the revestiary [CBM 1060, 144v]. He kept Du Fay’s house for him during the seven years Du Fay was in Savoy in the 1450s and was one of his executors. He died on 08 May 1483 [CBM 1061, 159v]. Though he was of modest means to the end (the aumosne granted him 100 s on 22 March 1482 on account of old age and poverty) [F-AD59, 4G 7767, 14v], the execution of his will [F-AD59, 4G 1705] shows he was a learned man who left behind a large library."
• Complements. "Tenor in Cambrai Cathedral Choir […] He also took part, with Dufay, in making the inventory of Cambrai Cathedral property in 1461" (Fallows 1982, p. 256, refering to Wright 1975, p. 187 & 189; N.B.: his designation as a tenor, which is not supported by any archival reference and is not recorded neither by A. Pirro nor A. Planchart, has to be taken with caution). He was abbot of the fools in January 1447 and exchanged  a chaplaincy in 1477 with Pierre de Rivo*, probably the singer who later served the chapel of Maximilan I (PirroBnF, after F-Cambrai, BM, ms. 1058, f. 145v, 8.1.1447: Petro de Vado, abbé des fous; ms. 1061, 21v, 26.3.1477: Petr. du We, pr. proc. curé de S Nic. de Brules in Tornaco dioc. Cambrai, résign. par permutation avec Petro de Rivo, pr. chap. S Alexis à l’autel S Vincent du monastère de Cisoing, dioc. Tournai).
• Homonyms. No information is available on his potential link with his homonym who died in 1507 after a long career of singer at the court of Burgundy; see Pierre Du Wez (Condé)*.

Fiala David


  • Rôles

    Member of a church (lower ranked officer)
    Member of a church (musician)

  • Genre




3 en base de données

Musical position

Member of a church (musician)
Cambrai (France)

Institution : Notre-Dame de Cambrai, Cambrai (France)

Religious position

Member of a church (lower ranked officer)
Cambrai (France)

Institution : Notre-Dame de Cambrai, Cambrai (France)

Commentaires : Chaplain


Cambrai (France)

Institution : Notre-Dame de Cambrai, Cambrai (France)


de Vado

Relations familiales

Aucune relation familiale.


[Fallows 1982]

Fallows, D., 1982, Dufay, London http://www.sudoc.fr/045408580.
(p. 256)

[Planchart 2008]

Planchart, A. E., 2008, Contribution directe à la Prosopographie des chantres de la Renaissance / Direct contribution to the Prosopography of Renaissance Singers.

[Wright 1975]

Wright, C., 1975, Dufay at Cambrai: Discoveries and Revisions, Journal of the American Musicological Society, 28, p. 175‑229 http://www.jstor.org/stable/830766.
(p. 187, 189)


Fiala David - Project manager ; Biography author

Collecteurs de données


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Fiala David, Pierre Du Wez (Cambrai), in RicercarDataLab [http://preprod-ricercar.cesr.univ-tours.fr/people/931/] (accessed 22 January 2025).

Dernière modification : 6 juin 2024 15:00