Thomas Le Lièvre alias Leporis

fl. 1444-1481


Affichage de 8 événements/origines géographiques


  • Burgundian court chapel, 1444-1453. On 20.6.1444, Thomas le Lièvre, singer of Rouen, received 10 florins “for having come from his country to my lord” (“pour don d’être venu de son pays devers monseigneur”). He then appears in the lists of the chapel of Philip the Good from 1447 to 1453, at the rank of “sommelier” [i.e. minor cleric] (Marix 1939, p. 202 and 249-252).
  • Court chapel of Anjou, Summer 1454. In June 1454, “Thomas Leheure” (clearly a misreading for “Lelievre”) is one of the two newly arrived singers (“nouveaulx chantres venuz”) in the chapel of René of Anjou; he received 6 écus of monthly wage until October (Allinson 1993, p. 77, 86).
  • Papal Chapel, 1458-1472. He appeared in November 1458 in the papal chapel, with a recently recruited group of singers including Monstreuil, Cernier, Beaunnoir, and he served without interruption until Autumn 1472. In May 1460, he requested leave to undertake a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, which he apparently did during the summer of 1466. His employment in Rome allowed him to obtain canonicates at Lisieux, Rouen and Laon. In a document of the Papal curia (dated 23.7.1468), Leporis describes himself as born of noble birth (“de nobili genere procreatus”) (Starr 1987, p. 191-196 & Starr 1998, p. 182).
  • Meeting with Cornuel*. In his letter (in verse) to Nicolas Rembert (Droz 1926, p. 186), the minor vicar of Cambrai Jean Cornuel mentions “Michault and Leporis”. This refers doubtless to the presence of Cornuel, Rembert and Leporis in Rome in the early 1470s. (Contrary to the statement of Reynolds 1995, p. 128, Michaut is probably Michaut du Ris*, who travelled with Cornuel to Milan in 1473-1474, and not Michault Sauvage dit le Lutin*.)
  • Court chapel at Milan, 1472-1474. In October 1472, a letter from a Milanese ambassador presents “magister Thomas” as the principal recruiter for the new ducal chapel in Milan; the letter recalls his career and his talent (Merkley&Merkley 1999, p. 84). On 3.11.1472, Galeazzo Maria Sforza sent the two Norman singers in his service (Cardin and Leporis) to recruit singers in France, with a letter of recommendation for Okeghem (id., p. 79-80). In January 1473, new singers from Normandy were being expected (id., p. 43). In March 1473, Leporis, cleric and canon of the diocese of Rouen, complained that he had been subjected to considerable hostility from the musicians of the court of Savoy at Vercelli, who had criticised Milan for poaching the singers of the duchess Iolanda (id., p. 38-39). Last mentioned in Milan in 1474.
  • Canonicate at the cathedral of Rouen, 1469-1475. First mentioned as curate of Saint-Laurent de Rouen (1464-1467), then as canon at Laon in 1467, he was a canon at Rouen by apostolic collation from 1469 to 1475, described as holding the licentiate in canon law and as singer in the chapel of Paul II (Tabbagh 1998, n°295, p. 378).
  • Court of Savoy, c.1481? Since the date of his death is unknown, and his connexion with Savoy attested, he could be the Thomas Leporis who was remunerated for a diplomatic mission in 1481 (Ménabréa 1859, p. 230, doc. nº 233 [section “Comptes”]: “Diète concernant le retour du duc, 1481 [sans autre précision]: Item libravit Thome Leporis servienti misso cum litteris clausis magnifici consilii ducalis dominis ecclesiasticis nobilibus et egregiis communitatibus ad causam conferendo de modo tenendo ut illustrissimus dominus noster ad partes suas veniat” [Diet concerning the return of the duke, 1481 [without further detail]: Item. Payment made to Thomas Leporis, a servant sent with sealed letters of the most illustrious ducal council to the ecclesiastical princes and excellent communities in the matter of conferring on the way to proceed that our most illustrious lord might come to his territory”]).

Fiala David


  • Rôles

    Member of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
    Member of a court chapel (musician)
    Member of a princely/private household
    Noble birth

  • Genre




7 en base de données

Origines géographiques

Rouen (France)

Musical position

Member of a court chapel (musician)
Brugge (Belgium)

Mécène : Philip the Good

Institution : Chapelle ducale de Bourgogne, Burgundy (France)

Musical position

Member of a court chapel (musician)
Anjou (France)

Mécène : René of Anjou

Institution : Chapelle ducale d'Anjou, Anjou (France)

Musical position

Member of a court chapel (musician)
Roma (Italy)

Institution : Capella Sistina, Roma (Italy)

Bibliographie : Starr 1987


Jerusalem (Israel)

Bibliographie : Starr 1987

Commentaires : Pilgrimage to Jerusalem authorised in 1466

Religious position

Member of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Rouen (France)

Institution : Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen, Rouen (France)

Musical position

Member of a court chapel (musician)
Milano (Italy)

Mécène : Galeazzo Maria Sforza

Institution : Cappella ducale di Milano, Milano (Italy)

Bibliographie : Merkley and Merkley 1999

Professional career - others

Member of a princely/private household
Chambéry (France)

Institution : Cour ducale de Savoie, Chambéry (France)


Leheure ; Lephoris

Relations familiales

Aucune relation familiale.


[Allinson 1993]

Allinson, L., 1993, Two Accounts for the Chapel of René of Anjou (1449-54), Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, p. 59‑93

[Droz 1926]

Droz, E., 1926, Notes sur Me Jean Cornuel, dit Verjus, petit vicaire de Cambrai, Revue de Musicologie, 7, p. 173‑189.

[Marix 1939]

Marix, J., 1939, Histoire de la musique et des musiciens de la cour de Bourgogne sous le règne de Philippe le Bon (1420-1467), Strasbourg (consulté le 22 janvier 2013).

[Merkley and Merkley 1999]

Merkley, P. A. et Merkley, L. L. M., 1999, Music and patronage in the Sforza Court, Turnhout (consulté le 22 janvier 2013).

[Reynolds 1995]

Reynolds, C. A., 1995, Papal patronage and the music of St. Peter’s: 1380-1513, Berkeley ; London

[Starr 1987]

Starr, P. F., 1987, Music and Music Patronage at the Papal Court, 1447-1464, Thèse de doctorat soutenue à , 1987.

[Starr 1998]

Starr, P. F., 1998, Strange Obituaries: The Historical Uses of the per obitum Supplication, dans R. Sherr (éd.), Papal music and musicians in late Medieval and Renaissance Rome, Oxford : New York, p. 177‑186


Fiala David - Project manager ; Biography author

Collecteurs de données


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Fiala David, Thomas Le Lièvre alias Leporis, in RicercarDataLab [] (accessed 08 January 2025).

Dernière modification : 2 juin 2024 23:19