Chansonnier Laborde (Lab)
Cantus | Contratenor | Tenor
No associated person.
First edition
[US-Wc] United States, Washington, DC - The Library of Congress
- M2.1.L25 Case:
Open facsimile
No information.
Un des six "chansonniers centraux" du répertoire de la chanson française de la seconde moitié du XVe s., jadis qualifiés de "bourguignons" puis "du Val de Loire".
2 motets (1 incomplete), 102 French secular pieces (1 without text; 8 incomplete or fragmentary), 2 Italian secular pieces = 106
Main corpus copied by one main scribe (new ff. 8-61, 64'-72, 136, 138'-139) and one additional scribe (new ff. 61'-64, 72'-101). Five later scribes made additions, as follows—I: new ff. 101'-104; II: new ff. 104'-105, 106'-114; III: new ff. 105'-106; IV: new ff. 120'-121; V: new ff. 136'-138, 139'-149 (GutiérrL, who disputes RifSC's assertion of scribal concordances with FlorR 2794 and WashLC L25). Copied in France, possibly in Loire Valley region (GutiérrW). Probably owned in 16th century by Pierre Morin de Mondeville (GutiérrL, based on identification of coat of arms and inscription 'pris chez M M' on last folio). Owned in 19th century by the archaeologist and historian Léon Emmanuel Simon Joseph, Marquis de Laborde (1807-69). Acquired from Laborde's descendants by firm of Bernard Quaritch at 1932 Sotheby's sale. Later acquired from Quaritch by E. P. Goldschmidt and Co.; purchased from latter by Library of Congress in 1936.
2 in database
1 copy in 1 institution
Shelf mark
M2.1.L25 Case
Music manuscript in choirbook
Cantus | Contratenor | Tenor
Digitised version
Pas de iiif
Chansonnier Laborde (US-Wc M2.1.L25 Case), in RicercarDataLab [] (accessed 11 February 2025).
Last modification: Feb. 4, 2025, 9:43 a.m.