Du Chemin project is a website dedicated to the music books crafted by the Parisian printer Nicolas Du Chemin between 1549 and 1568. The site collects the digital reproduction of sixteen sets of polyphonic French songs books, each one organized in two part books, one for Superius and Tenor and the other for Contratenor and Bassus. Download, free of charge, images of the albums, articles and critical notes by Richard Freedman about Nicolas Du Chemin, his books, their contents and contexts, and reconstructions of the incomplete works in PDF and MEI format.

Visit dedicated website

Du Chemin project makes available to our community of music lovers, musicians and researchers a neglected but important repertory of 380 French songs which trace changing literary tastes, musical fashions, and above all they attest of the impact of the relatively new medium of printing on sixteenth-century musical culture. The user can look through the books, search by title of song, by literary source and by composer. Critical music editions and many other supports are available on the Lost Voices Project companion website.

Musicologists interested in contributing are invited to contact the responsible of the project, Richard Freedman.

La Diane que je serts ne court plus Jacques Arcadelt

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1560-03a

La grant doulceur de vostre cler visaige A. de Villiers

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1549-27

Laissez cela, petit friant Pierre Certon

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1560-03b

L'angleuse noix à cerner difficile Michel de Menehou

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1560-03b

L'ardant amour souvent me veult contraindre Thomas Crecquillon

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1554-21

Las, doit-on blasmer celle qui veult Jehan Hérissant

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1560-03a

Las, je ne sçay de quel nom te nommer Ebran

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1550-12

Las, je n'eusse jamais pensé Guillaume Costeley

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1560-03a

Las, si amour nouveau conseil n'apporte Simon de Bonefont

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1551-09

Las, si tu as plaisir en mon ennuy Etienne Du Tertre

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1551-09

Las, si tu veulx en aultre part aymer Pellegryne Symon

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1550-11

La terre, l'eau, l'air, le feu et les cieulx Claude Goudimel

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1549-25

L'aultr' hier mi cheminoye (Le bobo) Etienne Du Tertre

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1557-11

L'autre jour jouer m'aloye parmi ces champs Pierre Certon

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1550-07

L'aveuglé Dieu qui partout vole nud Clément Janequin

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1551-09

La volunté si longtemps endormie Claude Goudimel

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1550-07

Le cruel Mars, rebelle & rigoureux Henry Fresneau

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1554-21

L'enfant Amour n'a plus son arc estrangé Pierre Certon

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1550-07

L'ennuy, le dueil, la peine et le martyre Guillaume Costeley

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1568-10a

Le petit peton madame Etienne Du Tertre

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1557-11

Le temps vouldroit de soy trop presumer Decapella

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1549-27

Long temps y a, innocente pucelle Jean Guyon

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1550-09

Làs voulez vous qu'une personne chante Orlande de Lassus

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1568-10a

L'Yver sera et l'esté variable Jacques Arcadelt

Catalogues: RISM B I, 1557-11





Richard Freedman, Du Chemin Project (2010-2012), in RicercarDataLab [http://preprod-ricercar.cesr.univ-tours.fr/projects/8/] (accessed 20 September 2024).

