Marguerite d'Autriche



Displaying 4 events


Daughter of Mary of Burgundy and Maximilian of Austria, born 10 January 1480 in Brussels, duchess of Savoy, 1501-1504, governor of the Netherlands from 1507 to 1515 and again from 1519 to 1530, died 1 December 1530 in Mechelen.
Residence at the court of France, mostly at Le Plessis-lez-Tours, 1483-1493
On he leaves Brussels at the age of 3eside at the court of France, where she stays until the signature of the Treaty of Senlis on 23 May 1493.
Return to the Low Countries, 1493-1496
In June 1493, she is back in the Low Countries, where she resides in the castles of Le Quesnoy and Namur, and following her brother's court. On 5 November 1495 in Mechelen, she is married by procuration to Dom Juan, heir of Castille.
Residence at the court of Spain, 1497-1500
On 22 January 1497, she leaves for Spain with the spanish float which brought Juana of Castille to the Low countries in september 1496. On 3 April 1497 in Burgos, she marries Dom Juan, who dies the following 4 October in Salamanca. Pregnant, she remains in Spain but suffers a still birth. After 2 years of negociation, she finally leaves Spain in october 1499 and travels back to the Low Countries through France, staying in Paris in February 1500.
Return to the Low countries, 1500-1501
She arrives for the baptism of Charles, son of Philip the Fair and Juana of Castille, in Ghent on 7 March 1500 and left on 22 October 1501 for Savoy, in order to marry the duke Philibert II.
Residence at the court of Savoy, 1501-1507
She settled at the castle of Pont-d'Ain with her husband, Philibert II, who dies on 10 September 1504. Although she wanted to remain in Savoy as dowager duchess, building the magnificent Monastery of Brou, in Bourg-en-Bresse, the sudden and unexpected death of her brother, Philip the Fair, in october 1506, forced her to come back to the Low Countries in order to supervise the education of the dynasty's heirs and rule its territories until they come of age.
Final return in the Low Countries, 1507-1530
From the beginning of 1507, she settled in Mechelen where, in connection with her father, emperor Maximilian, she acted as governor of the Netherlands, first from 1507 to 1515, until Charles V came of age, and again from 1519 to her death in 1530.


  • Roles


  • Gender




4 in database


Bruxelles (Belgium)

[As patron]

Gouvart Nepotis | Professional career - others | Instrumental teacher
Bruxelles (Belgium)

[As patron]

Jean Boussart dit Antitus | Religious position | Member of a princely/private household
Bruxelles (Belgium)

Institution: Cour ducale de Bourgogne, Brugge (Belgium)

Bibliography: Fiala 2008

Comments: Désigné comme chapelain de Marguerite d'Autriche sans autre précision. Elle ne dispose en tous cas pas d'une chapelle à proprement parler à ce moment, et quitte les Pays-Bas en janvier 1497 pour l'Espagne. Il est improbable, mais pas exclu, qu'Antitus ait fait partie de sa suite pour ce voyage.


Mechelen (Belgium)

Associated sources

1 in database

Variant names

Margaret of Austria

Familial connections

Maximilian I (Father (Maximilian) - Daughter (Margaret))

Philip I the Fair (Brother-sister)


Fiala David - Project manager




Marguerite d'Autriche, in RicercarDataLab [] (accessed 15 March 2025).

Last modification: March 10, 2025, 5:21 p.m.