Pierre de Calonne

fl. 1450-1503†


Displaying 6 events/geographical origins


Cathedral of Cambrai, 1450 and 1474-1503 (Planchart PCR / Small Vicars of Cambrai)
"Calonne" was a small vicar from 03 February to at least 23 June 1450 [F-AD59, 4G 7449, f. 7]. He must have left sometime July 1450 and June 1451 (account lost) since he is no longer among the small vicars the following fiscal year. No documents in the 1450s give his first name, but he might be the Pierre Callonne who held one of the foreign chaplaincies at St. Géry in 1474-75 [F-AD59, 7G 2956, fascicle of 1469-70, f. 3v], and eventually became a canon of Cambrai on 14 February 1483 [F-CambraiBM, ms. 1061, f. 154v]. Perhaps it is significant that after his death on 13 February 1503 his prebend went to Denis de Hollain, who had been also a small vicar and was still the magister puerorum [F-CambraiBM, ms. 1064, f. 437].
Milan, Ducal chapel, 1474
A "Pietro da Calon" appears as the third singer named on a single list of the “Capela de Camera” of the duke of Milan produced some time before August 1473. He does not seem to appear again on any of the later lists (since he appaprently is not the "Peroto" who appears in the same position in the next available list, dated 15 July 1474) (Merkley&Merkley, p. 101-102).
Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris, 1478-1482

On 27 April 1478, "Petrus Callonne, tenorista" was received as clerk of matins of Notre-Dame de Paris, asking for complementary income because he was not a priest and had no other revenue. He then regularly received gifts for helping him until the beginning of 1481. He was raised to the minor order of accolyte on 1 July 1482 in Saint-Cloud by the bishop of Paris, being designated on that occasion as curate of the parish church of Tremblay. Ten days later, he obtained a major vicariate of Saint-Marcel of Paris by exchanging a chapel in the priory of Saint-Martin-in-the-fields with Simon Michel. He was exempted of examination once he was declared to be capable and knowledgeable in the art of music, since he was a tenor and clerk of matins of the church ("sine examine postquam declaratus fuit et reputatus sufficientis et doctus in arte musice actentes quod est tenor et clericus matutinarum ecclesie"). The following 21 September 1482, he was ordained a subdeacon by the bishop of Paris in his palace (Fiala PCR, after F-AN, LL 122, p. 262, 264, 298, 300, 346, 456, 494, and LL 123, p. 82, 92, 118). Even if this is not recorded in the archives of Notre-Dame in Paris, he obviously became a priester in the following weeks or months, which allowed him to take possession of his canonicate in Cambrai six months later.
Cathedral of Cambrai, 1483-1503
Confirming A. Planchart's hypothesis (see above), he must have left Paris in late 1482 or early 1483 to take possession of his canonicate in Cambrai in February 1483, where he spent the rest of his life. On 8 August 1496, he was mandated by the chapter to put an end to the minor vicars' misconducts with Rogier de Lignoquercu* and Pierre Godemare (Pirro BnF Notes, after F-CambraiBM, ms. 1063, f. 129v).

Fiala David, Planchart Alejandro


  • Roles

    Member of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
    Member of a church (musician)
    Member of a court chapel (musician)

  • Gender




5 in database

Geographical origins

Calonne-Ricouart (France)

Musical position

Member of a church (musician)
Cambrai (France)

Institution: Notre-Dame de Cambrai, Cambrai (France)

Bibliography: Planchart, 2008

Comments: Might have been served longer during the year June 1450- June 1451 (account lost), but no mention in the account starting in July 1451.

Musical position

Member of a court chapel (musician)
Milano (Italy)

Patron: Galeazzo Maria Sforza

Institution: Cappella ducale di Milano, Milano (Italy)

Bibliography: Merkley et Merkley, 1999

Musical position

Member of a church (musician)
Paris (France)

Institution: Notre-Dame de Paris, Paris (France)

Bibliography: Fiala 2008

Comments: Clericus matutinarum and tenorista

Religious position

Member of a church (higher ecclesiastic, canon)
Cambrai (France)

Institution: Notre-Dame de Cambrai, Cambrai (France)

Bibliography: Planchart, 2008


Cambrai (France)

Institution: Notre-Dame de Cambrai, Cambrai (France)

Variant names

Callonne ; Calone ; Pietro da Calon

Familial connections

No familial connection.


[Fiala 2008]

Fiala, D., 2008, Contribution directe à la Prosopographie des chantres de la Renaissance / Direct contribution to the Prosopography of Renaissance Singers.

[Merkley et Merkley, 1999]

Merkley, P. A. et Merkley, L. L. M., 1999, Music and patronage in the Sforza Court, Turnhout http://www.sudoc.fr/055225020 (consulté le 22 janvier 2013).

[Planchart, 2008]

Planchart, A. E., 2008, Contribution directe à la Prosopographie des chantres de la Renaissance / Direct contribution to the Prosopography of Renaissance Singers.

[Sartori, 1956]

Sartori, C., 1956, Josquin des Prés, cantore del Duomo di Milano (1459-1472), Annales musicologiques, 4, p. 55‑83.


Fiala David - Project manager ; Biography author

Planchart Alejandro - Biography author





Fiala David, Planchart Alejandro, Pierre de Calonne, in RicercarDataLab [http://preprod-ricercar.cesr.univ-tours.fr/people/1214/] (accessed 14 March 2025).

Last modification: March 10, 2025, 5:21 p.m.